A.I.M. Artificial Intelligence Machine Wiki
Plasma cannon

The plasma cannon (also called plasma gun) is a weapon that can be equipped on gliders.

A high temperature clots-generator and an excellent weapon at short ranges. It will lose its efficiency as the range increases due to the low firing rate.


Changes in A.I.M. 2. Clan Wars[]

  • Weight: 90 kg
  • Ammo / refill: 125 rounds / +60 per minute
  • Damage: 122 points
  • Volumetric damage: 30 points
  • Price: 7000 energy crystals



Can be bought in many bases of the TundraArctic and Desert Sector and in the Carriers' secondary base.

A.I.M. 2. Clan Wars[]

Can be bought in the Highlands Sector. An already modificated version of this weapon is sometimes available in the bases of the Desert Sector, too.

Physical facts[]

Plasma (from Greek πλάσμα "moldable structure") is one of four fundamental states of matter, the others being solid, liquid and gas. In contrary to these states, plasma doesn't exist on earth under normal surface conditions, and can only be artifically generated. Lightning, neon lights and electrical sparks are everyday examples of generated plasma. Read more about plasma on Wikipedia.
