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Buildings and other artificial installations on the Range perform particular functions. Buildings can be recognized as green indicators on the attention indicator.

Every time entering a building will take 10 minutes of ingame time. In that time, the energy shield and energy weapons are getting fully recovered. Buildings have full access to every information about the glider and their load while being inside and thus can read every infopack that someone is carrying right now. This can sometimes result in leaking informations to clans, they weren't adressed to.

Buildings can be captured by filling their clusters. It isn't known if this capturing system was already used before Super modified the sectors and its buildings while the player was absent between the first two games, but since then, every mechmind in a clan has access to fill these clusters. Buidlings of the same type have the same cluster capacity.

Building types[]

There are following types of buildings:


Main bases[]

These buildings are complexes that are comprised of an information center, assembly shops and storage units. This also is where the information is being collected and processed and where gliders, weapons, etc. are being developed. In addition, mechminds receive their missions and tasks here, trade, repair or upgrade gliders and refill their ammo.

Mechminds that were picked up can be delivered in such bases, granting rating points for the one who transferred them, and every good can be sold for a good price there.

The cluster of bases a capacity of 10 mechminds.


Secondary bases[]

The secondary base is a building that has a full set of functions like those of the main base, but only duplicates those functions that are necessary. For instance, gliders and weapons are normally manufactured only at main bases, but if needed they can also be produced at secondary bases.

Mechminds that were picked up can be delivered in such bases, granting rating for the one who transferred them, and every good can be sold for a good price there.

Testing complex

Test complexes[]

A closed set of buildings which once served as the closed-space glider proving ground. This function is not being performed there anymore.

The test complexes serve as bases for mechminds-specials instead. Repairs, upgrades and missions can be received as well as trading can be made there.

Mechminds that were picked up can be delivered in these complexes, granting rating points for the one who transferred them, and every goods can be sold for a good price there.

Its cluster has a capacity of 10 mechminds.

Test complex models has one untextured submesh.

Climate actuator

Climate actuators[]

The receiving bunker of the climate actuator is a large complex which desperses elements throughout the sector. The main purpose for that is to maintain a stable climate and periodic changes in weather.

There are many modules that are part of the climate actuator, for instance the effectors which operate in the sky or the antennas which can also be seen in every sector.

Some goods can be sold there.

Its cluster can't be filled with any mechminds.

Charge platform

Charge platforms[]

This facilities are intended for glider repairs and ammo refill. Some goods can be sold there too.

After modificating the sectors, Super replaced these buildings by little platforms which repair the damaged parts of a glider by staying on it, as long as the amount of energy crystals won't run out.

Raw Materials Base

Raw Materials Bases[]

This is the storage unit for resources consumed and extracted in the sector.

Goods produced on the range can be bought or sold there. In addition, the Raw Materials Base purchases the necessary resources which can be sent to other sectors. Even goods that aren't needed at such buildings can be sold there by a higher price than normally.

Its cluster has a capacity of 6 mechminds.

Half-stock plant

Half-stock plants[]

This plant produces elements that are sent to trade-assembly bases to produce ready-to-use items. The larger part of half-stock is quite sizeable and cannot be carried on gliders. Instead, underground communications are used.

Goods can be bought and sold there.

Its cluster has a capacity of 4 mechminds.

Manufacturing plant

Manufacturing plants[]

A plant for processing raw materials received from extracting systems. Also processes secondary raw materials and waste.

They are also called process facilities.

Goods can be bought and sold there.

Its cluster has a capacity of 4 mechminds.

Expendables plant

Expendables plants[]

These produce everything that is needed in large amounts and all the time. These plants also provide power to the whole range.

Goods can be bought and sold there.

Its cluster has a capacity of 4 mechminds.

Extracting system

Extracting systems[]

A small communication center located on the outside. Serves as a cover for a colossal multilevel system of shafts, where the raw materials are being processed. These raw materials are used to produce the metals and other elements needed on the range.

They are also called production units.

Goods can be sold there.

Its cluster has a capacity of 3 mechminds.

Passage tunnel

Passage tunnels[]

A system allowing instantaneous transfer of objects to a different location in the space. All the tunnels are interconnected with a firm-fixed transportation vector, allowing to transfer mechminds and everything they have with them to a passage tunnel of another sector. To ensure security in the zero-space, at least 1000 energy crystals are needed, but the actual cost variies from 100 to 1000 crystals. The trip to another sector takes one hour.

Mechminds that were picked up can be delivered there, granting rating points for the one who transferred them.

Passage tunnels has no cluster.

Vent system

Vent systems[]

Vent systems (also called ventilation shafts) are passages to the underground communications with access to repair mechanisms, where mechminds are only allowed to enter on special occasions.

Its cluster can't be filled with any mechminds.

The Swamp Sector vent system uses different model from the rest of vent systems.



Here's where the mechminds are battling against each other. 

Usually these buildings were used as a testing ground for new weapons. Because there are so few in development, they can be used for duels in the meanwhile.

Winning a fight there will reward the winner by increasing his rating points. Goods can also be sold there.

All items (133)
